On-Demand Event: Airborne SAR: An Engineering Deep Dive

C4ISR Software & Integration


Photograph of an AIMS-ISR workspace on an aircraft

From Code to Component

Bespoke C4ISR Software, Integration, and Advanced Manufacturing.

PAL by Numbers

Bespoke C4ISR Mission Software. Your Total Domain Awareness Solution.

Operator using workstation onboard aircraft
[01 - 01]
HMNZS Aotearoa: How the RNZN's Largest Ship Uses AIMS-ISR for Global Sustainment
HMNZS Aotearoa, is designed as a resupply vessel, supporting other vessels and helicopters during operations - and uses AIMS-ISR to do it.
Read Case Study
Picture of Aotearoa naval vessel
Featured Case Studies
Picture of Aotearoa naval vessel

C4ISR Products

Featured Special Mission Products

AIMS-ISR Mission Software

Empowering new ways of operating, whether airborne, at sea, or on land, the mission system is tactically connected to the mission space – it’s not just technology it’s a decisive edge providing real-time intelligence and situational awareness. With more than 600 successful mission software installations in over 60 countries, AIMS-ISR is helping shape the future of integrated mission systems – setting new standards for ISR operators for over 20 years.

CarteNav, a PAL company develops next-generation mission management software for today’s highly-capable special mission platforms.

Explore AIMS-ISR 10
AIMS-C4 logo
AIMS-C4 Ground Software

For decision-makers on the ground AIMS-C4 Common Operating Picture platform brings multi-intelligence data streams into a single cohesive view – providing real-time actionable intelligence when every second counts.


CarteNav, a PAL company enables a system-of-systems approach with configurable Common Operating Picture for decision making on the ground.

Explore AIMS-C4